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造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、Although I was not handsome long, but as a child was also boast my left nostril is idol.(虽然我长的不是很帅,但小时候也有人夸我左边鼻孔很偶像派。)

2、Left nostril is feminine, nurturing, calm and cooling.(左鼻孔代表女性化、温吞、平静和镇定。)

3、Alternate nostril breathing optimizes both sides of your brain, so you can access your whole brain and all the benefits that go with it.(交替鼻孔呼吸能够充分利用你大脑的两边,因此你可以使用你的整个大脑以及随之而来的所有好处。)

4、When you are angry and feel you want to do something terrible, start breathing through your left nostril.(当你愤怒并感觉自己想做某件可怕的事情时,开始通过左鼻孔呼吸。)

5、Step two: Inhale slowly through left nostril.(第二步:用左鼻孔慢慢吸气。)

6、the navvy, swaying, presses a forefinger against a wing of his nose and ejects from the farther nostril a long liquid jet of snot.(这个苦力晃晃悠悠地用食指按住鼻翼的一边,从另一边鼻孔里擤出长长的一条鼻涕。)

7、Left nostril for calming - right nostril for energy.(用左鼻孔呼吸使人舒缓镇定——用右鼻孔呼吸使人积极活跃。)

8、12 benefits of alternate nostril breathing.(交替鼻孔呼吸的12大好处。)

9、Now open one nostril and breathe in and out slowly then switch nostrils.(露出一个鼻孔慢慢地呼吸,然后换一个鼻孔。)

10、Sometimes it’s nice to do the alternate nostril breathing outside in the fresh air; that’s always relaxing to me.(有时候在户外新鲜空气里做交替鼻孔呼吸也不错;总能让我很放松。)

11、Step five: Exhale through your right nostril.(第五步:用右鼻孔出气。)

12、Breathing through the left nostril is cooling and breathing through the right nostril is warming.(通过左鼻孔呼吸能降温而通过右鼻孔呼吸能升温。)

13、Exhale through one nostril, using your fingers to close the opposite nostril.(用手指挡住一个鼻孔,用另一个鼻孔呼气。)

14、He was lethargic and was bleeding from the left nostril which could be a sign of head trauma so he was taken to the vet.(它没有往日的生气,左鼻孔一直出血,这是脑部受伤的症状,所以它被带到兽医站。)

15、Step four: Now close left nostril with ring finger and release thumb off right nostril.(第四步:用无名指压住左鼻孔之后拇指放开右鼻孔。)

16、The present Catherine has no other likeness to her, except a breadth of the forehead and a certain arch of the nostril that makes her appear rather haughty.(现在的凯瑟琳没有别的地方像她,除了宽额和有点拱起的鼻孔,这使她显得简直有点高傲。)

17、Alternate nostril breathing is a simple little trick that can be practiced for a few minutes before you begin your meditation practice.(在开始冥想练习之前,可以先进行几分钟交替鼻孔呼吸法。)

18、Things such as nostril size vary with temperature and humidity in ways that suggest evolution is at work.(鼻孔大小等因素随着温度和湿度的变化而变化,这种事表明进化在起作用。)

19、Step nine: Breathe out through left nostril.(第九步:用左鼻孔出气。)

20、I find this one of the easiest way to control stress. Click on the link to learn how to practice alternate nostril breathing.(我认为这是控制压力最简单的方法之一。点击链接学习如何练习交替鼻孔呼吸。)

21、Step eight: Use thumb to close of right nostril.(第八步:用拇指压住右鼻孔。)

22、When your mind is dull, alternate nostril breathing brings equal amounts of oxygen to both sides of the brain for improving brain function.(当你头脑迟钝时,交替鼻孔呼吸给大脑两边带来等量的氧气,以改善大脑功能。)

23、Start with alternate nostril breathing.(从交替鼻孔呼吸开始。)

24、Fill a medical drip with water when thirsty, let the water drip to nostril then into the body.(口渴时,把医用吊瓶装满水,一滴滴的慢慢滴入鼻孔,通过鼻孔喝入肚子。)

25、More advanced methods of pranayama (alternate nostril breathing) need to be practiced with an experienced practitioner.(专业的调息的方法练习(交替鼻孔呼吸法)需要在有经验医师的指导下进行。)

26、Alternate nostril breathing is something I first learnt about through yoga, many years ago, and then from Ayurvedic medicine.(我在很多年前第一次学习瑜伽时得知了交替鼻孔呼吸法,之后从传统印度医学中也对此有所了解。)

27、So, at first we pant like a little doggy, and then we close our mouth, and then the nostril breath starts right after that.(她说:“一开始我们要像小狗一样上气不接下气地喘息,然后闭上嘴,紧接着就开始用鼻孔呼吸了。”)

28、Step six: Now, inhale through right nostril(第六步:现在用右鼻孔吸气)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


