时间:2021-05-29 21:58 来源:未知 作者:永春小孩 点击:载入中...次
《这是我的战争》角色技能有那些?《这是我的战争》角色技能都有哪些作用?下面酷987小编就为你带来高玩分享的技巧心得攻略—— Fast runner: Moves quicker [can escape / engage faster] ---- Scavenger: Has a larger backpack (15 items) [Seems to also find more stuff when scavenging.] ---- Loves Children Sneaky: Can move around with less noise ---- Good Mathematician ---- ---- Combat trained: Increased Melee damage ---- Bargaining skills: Makes better deals. [better trades with NPCs] ---- Good Lawyer: Lowers chance of being attacked ---- Strong but slow: 17 slot backpack, moves and runs slower ---- Engineer/mechanic: can make things for only 4/5th of the materials normally required. 猜你喜欢: 这是我的战争人物高兴状态作用解析 unturned黄金西装和墨镜的获得方法攻略 (责任编辑:ku987小孩) |